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The Full Story
Hi! I'm Lynn Richards.
I am happily living with my family in our home we renovated together. The best part of the renovation is the garage that was turned into my art studio. I am able to work and teach out of the studio and have had many wonderful gatherings here!
My maternal grandmother was an artist and art teacher in Carpinteria, Ca. She was the first one to put a brush in my hand and since then, I knew somehow, some way, art was in my life to stay.
I have found mixed media and art journaling to be my mainstays in art, and create from life lessons and matters of the heart. My main joy is to connect with people through my artwork. When I'm not in the studio you can find me in my garden, talking to my chickens or DIY-ing around the house! Plus, if you offer me a cup of coffee, I'll never say no.
I have shown in many different juried art shows such as Art For Heaven's Sake, The Balboa Art Walk, The Riverside Art Market and The Red Dirt Art Festival. My artwork can be found in homes in Greece as well as across the United States.
You can keep up with classes being offered HERE or shows that I am in HERE.
Thank you so much for coming by and spending some time here! Let me know if you want to collaborate or commission me to do a painting for you or a loved one.