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Be The First On Your Block To Start Your Christmas Gift Giving!

Lynn Richards

That's right!! The 2021 ornaments are here and your can order yours now!

Each one is hand painted, signed and sealed for you to give-or keep for yourself.


Our homes have been the very hub of life the last couple of years and what better way to remember this than by an ornament that represents all our homes mean to us.

Purchse here

Merry Chickmas!

You know who needs one of these ornaments....the urban farmer in your life, the chicken lover, the farmer wanna be, teacher, neighbor, family member or friend. Who doesn't need a little chicken to brighten up their holidays?

Don't forget! Order yours soon, (CLICK HERE) as they are best sellers and quantities are limited.

As always, thank you for stopping by. Let me know if you have a chicken theme or home theme this year!





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