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Fun With Washi Tape

Lynn Richards

Ahh, Washi Tape. You have all the fun colors, gorgeous patterns and come in tiny rolls, so how on earth are we supposed to ignore you?

It's pretty difficult to turn my back on something as fun as Washi Tape, so I thought I would show you a fun, easy way to use it.

Let's make feathers. Because....why not??!

All you need is a roll (or four) of Washi Tape, toothpicks and a sharp pair of scissors. My scissors are Cutter Bee's, and as you can see, they are well loved and used. Washi Tape can be found just about everywhere: Amazon, Etsy, craft stores, stationary stores....I like to dig around Michaels and look for the bin with a billion little rolls in it. It's 3 for 99 cents. Almost better than a garage sale.

First, tear a small piece of Washi off your roll and lay a toothpick on the edge of the tape.

Wind it around until the toothpick is covered. This will be the bottom of your feather.

Next, lay the toothpick down on the Washi Tape. Leave a little tape over the top of the toothpick.

Fold it over and cut it off. Press the Washi Tape together to make sure it will stick.

Cut the bottom corners of the Washi Tape off.

Round off the top of your feather.

Next, begin snipping the tape up to the toothpick.

Make sure you are holding the feather with the rounded edge down. You will cut at an angle.

When you get to the rounded edge, make one last snip and then begin on the other side.

You will leave a little space that is uncut at the top. If you cut too much, it will take that little top part off. Move around to the other side so when you begin cutting again, you are on the other side of the toothpick.

That's it!!

Such a cutie!!!

You can use these on packages, in your art journal, include it with a card or letter, stick them into cupcakes- oh my goodness. The possibilities are endless.

Now, go forth and create!



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