I am learning something about myself.
I'm tired.
I'm tired of the last two years. I'm tired of pivoting. I'm tired of worry, anticipation and what-ifs. I'm also tired of letting this get to me.
Can you relate?
Then I'm glad you are here!
Let me invite you to try a simple project that can help relieve stress and worry.
It's literally amazing what taking 5 minutes to be creative can do for YOU.
Sandwich size baggie
Spray bottle with water
Piece of paper, card stock or your journal
Washable marker (Crayola, or any brand will work)
Glue Stick
Black pen
First, take your marker and make some lines along the edge of your baggie.
Spray it 3 times and turn the baggie over so the marker side is facing down.
Lay it on your page and "smoosh" it a little. Smear that marker around on the page!
From the top, peel off the baggie.
Now, take your water bottle, spray the dripping edge of the marker and watch it drip some more!
Flip your journal/paper upside down and repeat.
Congratulations!!!!! You now have a really fun background.
The fun continues as you will want to hop over to
On this page, you will find a printout to download of "Hearts", "Instagram Challenge",
"Affirmations" and "I Am Enough". Click on these and you will be able to print the pages from your computer.
Take some time and look through the Affirmations and I am Enough. What speaks to you? Is there something you want to remind yourself of? Cut out whatever you are drawn to. When we say these encouraging things to ourselves, read them to ourselves and even-dare I say it-
small but profound change begins.
Next step:
Print out the Instagram Challenge page and choose a border to cut out.
Print out the page with the hearts and cut them out.
Let's begin gluing it all down!
I use a regular Elmer's glue stick. You can use that or regular glue, Mod Podge, or whatever you have on hand.
Here, I glued a border edge to the top of the page and cut out a heart and the drip line!

Next, I cut out the sentences I wanted to use in this page and glued them down in a letter format. After that, I used a black pen and outlined the hearts in messy outlines. I added what I like to call "Half Balloons". These are irregular half circle shapes under the lines of text. I draw some big, some small, I kinda do it without rhyme or reason.

And there your have it!!
I hope you have enjoyed this little lesson for an Art Journal page, but more importantly, I hope you are encouraged!!